Saturday, April 15, 2017

La Mirada crime rate hits 10-Year high

LA MIRADA-    The latest crime statistics for early 2017 indicate crime continues to grow worse in La Mirada as crime was up sharply for a third year in a row and is now occurring at a rate highest since 2007.

La Mirada no longer has the distinction of having the lowest crime rate in the area.  That honor now belongs to Norwalk in early 2017.

A sheriff's Department report for the first quarter of 2017 show a 21.7% increase in reported crimes over the same period in 2016, jumping from 235 to 289 this year.

Reported Part I crimes* by year       *Part One -Homicides,Rape,Arson,Aggravated Assault, thefts

2014   724
2015   923
2016   962
2017* 1172  *Projected 2017 total is current rate is used for entire year. a 61.8% rise in crime in the last three years.

The increase in crimes is being fueled by a sharp upturn in property crimes, particularly vehicle break-ins, thefts from unlocked cars, and auto theft.

On a positive note serious/violent crimes fell to 18 from 26 during the first three months in 2016.

During the past 30 days reports files by La Mirada deputies indicate that areas east of Santa Gertrudes along with neighborhoods and businesses in the north part of town are getting hit hardest
as crooks are targeting cars in these areas.

Particular care to not leave valuables in cars and locking up can be a valuable deterrent to crimes of opportunity.

Report suspicious persons or vehicles immediately at 562 863-8711 or Dial 911 if there is a crime in progress or just occurred.

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