Monday, February 20, 2017

Updated 1:30 pm -:Whittier officer killed in shooting receives special tribute, identified

WHITTIER-  Sheriff's Homicide is confirming that one of the officers shot earlier this morning was pronounced dead on arrival at UCI Medical Center in Orange.

The suspect who was also shot is being treated for his wounds.  The suspect has not been identified, but is a known gang member.

The identity of the deceased officer will be held by the webmaster until word is received his loved ones have been notified.

News reports state the suspect was involved in a accident while driving a stolen vehicle,  pulling a gun on responding officers.

The second officer is in critical condition at UCI Medical Center in Orange.

The suspect was transported to USC Medical Center in the Lincoln Heights area of Los Angeles.

1:30 pm  Update--  The officer killed today was Keith Boyer was a Whittier native and a La Serna High graduate Class of 1980.

Boyer was honored by fellow officers as well as numerous officer and deputies from other agencies with a procession of tribute when his body was moved from UCI Medical Center to the Orange County Coroner's Office in Santa Ana.

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