Monday, February 20, 2017

Update:Two Whittier Police Officers and suspectsuffer serious injuries during shooting

WHITTIER-  Two police officers and a suspect all suffered serious injuries during an incident of unconfirmed origin at about 8:20 am at Colima Road and Mar Vista Street.

Information given originally to fire dispatchers indicated that a shooting had occurred, but there are also reports that at least some of the injuries were vehicle related.

No official statement has been made due to the emergency still in progress.

What has been confirmed is one officer was rushed immediately by patrol car to PIH, and a second officer was rushed by ambulance escorted by La Mirada deputies to UCI Medical Center in Orange.

There were also no details about the third injured person at the scene, who has been identified as a  suspect. He was also transported in serious condition to the trauma center USC Medical Center in Los Angeles.

UPDATE: 9:10 am   This is a confirmed officer involved shooting, two officers seriously injured.

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