Saturday, May 13, 2017

Lamplighter reports turn up the heat on failed candidate Tony Aiello

LA MIRADA-    The latest in a series of investigative reports posted online by the La Mirada Lamplighter Friday further a claim that losing District 1 candidate Tony Aiello was closely aligned with the controversial re-election of Andrew Sarega to the District 2 seat.

Brian Hews publisher of three local papers including the Lamplighter and Los Cerritos Community News published a ampaign statement indicating Aiello made a $1,781 campaign contribution to the Sarega campaign ten days after the election was held.

Councilman Sarega is the subject of a state Fair Political Practises Commission investigation requested by Hews that it look into possible inappropriate coordination with a campaign committee.

A campaign mailer by the committee Citizens for a Better La Mirada targeting District 2 incumbent Pauline Deal were seen by many as an unfair 'hit piece'.

The Lamplighter investigation documents that the controversial mailer was nearly identical to another 'hit-piece' targeting District 1 winner John Lewis, and were mailed from the same Dallas  printer.   Lewis bested Aiello and two in that race..
Tony Aiello

Aiello denied knowledge of the controversial mailers in early March in a brief statement to La Mirada News Source.

Several years ago both Hews and Aiello owner of La Mirada Blog collaborated to launch the Lamplighter.

There was no indication that Tony Aiello was part of any FPPC investigation.

At a March council meeting Sarega also denied any responsibility for the controversial mailers, but added he respected the rights of the committee to do so a constitutionally protected free speech.

Fridays report can be seen at this link:

The entire series of investigative reports can be seen at

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